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Monday, August 25, 2008

School is cool

NOOOOT. Hahaha.
School's about to start next week. I'm soooooooooooooo not ready yet to go to school. I mean yeah, i'm excited about it but the word school just wakes me wanna go back to sleep and daydream about someone. [:"> joke. :))] Ugh. For me school means a lot of HWs again and quizzes everyday. Not fun! Hahaha. Oh well! But then again, I start to think about the fun things that you do at school. Like meeting new friends, new crushes (ooohhh hahaha),new school things, new adventures & all that cool school shizness. Waaaah. I also can't believe that I'm a senior already! Hello Prom!! Hello Grad night! Hello Senior Ditch Days!!